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Jeton seamlessly combines major payment providers around the world in one easy to use wallet.
All currencies, one wallet
Jeton has built partnerships that allow it to process transactions globally. That means Jeton allows transactions from Brazil to Japan, India to Poland, enabling users to deposit or withdraw from their wallet globally.
Simple, fast and safe
Pay with a few clicks. You can easily use Jeton Wallet as an option to deposit and withdraw on different partners’ websites.
Latest News From Jeton 📈
One of the fastest-growing companies in Europe.
Jeton, found its place among the top 1000 largest growing companies in Europe as ranked by Financial Times (FT) and compiled in collaboration with data provider Statista. It placed #75 on the FT1000 list, showing some of Europe’s rapidly expanding businesses.
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Cash for the digital world.
Pay your way. Pay anytime. Pay with peace of mind. JetonCash allows you to pay online globally without a bank account, credit card, or disclosing your personal information.
Every Payment Pays You Back with Jeton!Get 1% Cashback reward everytime you make a payment with Jeton. Don't miss out on this offer start pampering your wallet now!Terms & Conditions